Skilled Nursing Bed License Sale in Northeast Ohio

JULY 2019

Senwell Senior Investment Advisors produced another positive outcome for a bed license sale in Northeast Ohio. The buyer, a large operator in Ohio, needed a significant amount of beds for a new development. Senwell sourced and secured the beds in record time. The seller was considering surrendering a large number of beds to the state. After realizing they could capitalize on the transaction and the buyer would not be competing with their facility, selling the beds was an easy decision. The project is currently underway with the groundbreaking scheduled within the next few months. Ben Bohland facilitated the transaction.



Ben Bohland

Managing Partner
Phone: 419-464-7682

JULY 2019

Senwell Senior Investment Advisors produced another positive outcome for a bed license sale in Northeast Ohio. The buyer, a large operator in Ohio, needed a significant amount of beds for a new development. Senwell sourced and secured the beds in record time. The seller was considering surrendering a large number of beds to the state. After realizing they could capitalize on the transaction and the buyer would not be competing with their facility, selling the beds was an easy decision. The project is currently underway with the groundbreaking scheduled within the next few months. Ben Bohland facilitated the transaction.



Ben Bohland

Managing Partner
Phone: 419-464-7682

Other Results

SNF Bed License Transfer in Palm Beach, Florida

SNF Bed License Transfer in Palm Beach, Florida

In yet another testament to Senwell’s expertise and market adaptability, we are proud to announce the successful transfer of 90 skilled nursing facility (SNF) bed licenses in the highly competitive Palm Beach market. The client, a prominent hospital in the Palm Beach...

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